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“Branding” (noun) - Branding is the process of giving meaning to a specific organization, company, product or service by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds.

When someone mentions a “brand,” the first thing that pops into our minds is most likely a logo. After all, a logo is intended to serve as the mark that singularly represents the broader elements that make up a brand. It’s the visual shorthand used to identify and remember a business and the products/services it offers. Some may argue that a brand’s logo is the most important part of a brand. However, a more accurate statement would be that a brand’s logo is simply the most prominent part of a brand.

Branding does not mean just logo design. Just because a logo is the piece of a brand’s identity that sticks in our minds most, does not mean that other aspects of brand identity design are any less important.

To make an example of this point, let’s picture a universally recognized brand like Apple. Imagine receiving a new phone in that iconic white box. The minimalistic design and high quality finish of the packaging already makes you aware of the phone’s brand. Even if the box was void of any logo, you would still know it was made by Apple. That’s the power of a strong brand identity. Successful brands are able to visually connect all their brand elements, both tangible and intangible, so that their audience has a clear

and cohesive experience.

While a logo is certainly part of a brand’s identity, some other key elements include:

  • Color Palette

  • Typefaces

  • Personality

  • Content

  • Illustrations

  • Photo Treatments

  • Messaging

  • Values

  • Customer Relationships

  • Trust

Some of these brand elements are visual aspects that a graphic designer can address. Meanwhile, other elements are intangible parts of a brand, brought to life purely in a customer’s mind. A graphic designer’s job is to enhance these visual elements in a way that blends all of a brand’s tangible and intangible attributes together. It is vital that a designer considers all these aspects of a brand when creating visuals so that the brand is clear and cohesive. This goal would be impossible to achieve if only focused on a logo design.

While it may be tempting to save a few bucks by having *just* a logo designed, a properly designed brand that has been strategically crafted to include all visual elements in a fitting way is a worthy investment. If you’re looking to grow your business, or just stay competitive with a recognizable and trusted brand, then a fully formed brand design is just what you need. For a budding small business, a new brand identity design has a ton of potential to spark new growth. But where do you begin with such a daunting task? Consult a professional! (Remember – your business is worth the investment!)


JH Graphics is here to help with professional design and branding expertise! I take the time to understand your business and develop a strategic plan to bring your brand’s elements into alignment. Ready to start something amazing?

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